Nashville’s music scene will see a boost as popular venue Drkmttr has been federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and with their inaugural fundraiser underway this weekend the organizers hope to embark on a new chapter rooted in a commitment to the community and independent music.
“We’re just trying to swim around in this industry and make sure we survive,” co-owner Olive Scibelli says, according to Nashville Scene. “If a place like Drkmttr closes, you know, you really have no venues that are really, truly grassroots, and fewer places for people of all ages to play.”
Drkmttr has had it’s fair share of changes since it’s inception back in 2015 via a crowdfunding campaign, including to relocations, DIY venue closures, the pandemic, and more, but the Drkmttr continues to be a hub for music in Nashville.
“These places are essential to fostering and growing the soul of a creative community,” supporter William Tyler said, per the article. “And with corporate hegemony running amok in the entertainment industry now, independent venues of all kinds — cinemas, clubs, galleries, open-minded ‘third spaces’ — are like the flowers sprouting through the concrete sidewalks.”
Scibelli, ho co-owns the venue with Kathryn Edwards, is aware of the challenges facing Drkmttr as they strive to uplift the marginalized groups they support.
“I don’t feel like things have changed for the better,” Scibelli said. “That’s what makes me want to double, triple down on Drkmttr and all the work that we’re doing. It’s needed now more than ever.”
With this weekend’s festival on tap, Scibelli sees a bright and new future ahead. “Maybe we can actualize my block-party idea next year.”